Halloween & Balancing
Information | Balancing & Features | Halloween event There will be further balancing today and in the next few days: Torpor drain on wild dinosaurs is significantly improved Food drain for wild dinosaurs is increased slightly More adjustments to come A daily server restart + Dinowipe Set up for 5am every morning We are trying to
Event! – We’re all hungry
We start with our first event Our first event is dedicated to the topic of hunger & food. The rules are simple and even beginners should be able to take part without any problems: Rules: - For the event you have to tame Lystrosaurs (as many as you want) - If you take part, simply write something
A little recap and news to get you started
HELLO EVERYONE We have a few hours/days of emotional roller coaster behind us, with a “spontaneous release” and much more. After we had already prepared everything, we had to throw all our plans aside at short notice because “normal server hosting” outside of Nitrado was no longer possible. After much resistance from the community and an
[JAC] Update – Server | Wildcard/Nitrado
Some information about the current situation: A warm welcome to everyone! We could almost imagine that Studio Wildcard would make the situation complicated after their “Ninja release” and that the start would be a little questionable. -> The situation with Snail-Games and Nitrado is currently really opaque and there is no really useful official information yet.